There are times when God places people in your life to make a difference. Some may be for a moment and others may be dedicated to remaining by your side for a lifetime. The second can certainly be said for Carol Barta, who also celebrates her 30th anniversary with Mason Construction on July 29th. Carol came to Mason Construction in one of the most unconventional ways; but nonetheless, we are glad that God placed her in the right place at the right time. Both Carol and Chuck Mason were involved in a production for the Beaumont Community Players where she was cast in the role of his dance partner during a portion of the play. Chuck admits that he was by no means the best dancer and quickly learned that if she could manage to keep him in line on the dance floor and make it through unscathed, that she could handle anything. Shortly after this realization, Chuck offered her a job as the administrative assistant at Mason Construction and the rest is history. Since that time, she has been one of the primary contributors to our accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll departments and has been there every step of the way as the company grew from 60-80 employees to a peak of 600. We are so fortunate to have her as part of our Mason family and have been blessed by her presence ever since she literally “waltzed” into our lives.
If you were to find a copy of the dictionary in our office, there would be a photo of Carol taped to the page where the words Dedication and Loyalty are located. Since the first day she started, Carol has made it her mission to be there for the company and its people from the moment the door opens at 5:00 AM until close. Our supervisors and managers could always count on her to be there first thing to help them take care of any payroll or paperwork issues and if you played your cards right, you might even get a hug in the hallway or a handful of peppermints to help start your day off on the right track. You can tell that Carol loves her job and takes it and the success of the company very seriously because of the effort that she puts into her work each day. The only thing that she loves more than her job are the people working alongside her. Few individuals understand how important a work family can be, but Carol does. Alongside the photos of her own family that line her walls are pictures of many of us and our families. Each one of us here at Mason are her brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews. You could easily say that when she decided to marry into the company, that she got the whole Mason family along with it. In fact, over the years, when family vacations are planned, many times Carol is invited along for the adventure because she is such a part of our family.
In a world that is forever changing, Carol has remained a true constant at Mason Construction and is a testament to the values of integrity, family, hard work, dedication, trust, and stewardship that we hold dear and have made our company what it is today. We could not be prouder to have her on our team and represent Mason for all these years. There hasn’t been a time when Carol hasn’t been right here to take care of our affairs and know that we can trust her completely with any request or need that may arise. Even during a worldwide pandemic when she needed to stay home to take care of her mother, you could always count on her e-mails starting bright and early in the morning as she tended to business as usual. It has been amazing to watch her handle all that she does over the years and we are truly blessed to have her as one of our own.
Congratulations, Carol, on an amazing 30 years. We have been so fortunate to have you as part of our family and are excited for what the future holds for you. Thank you for everything that you do for each of us here at Mason Construction and for being someone that has truly made a difference in all our lives. We love you and wish you all the best. May God bless you and keep you always.