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Vehicle Theft Prevention Month

Mason Blogger

July is Vehicle Theft Prevention Month. Over 770,000 drivers are stolen from every year. Texas was number two of the top 10 states for most stolen vehicles in 2017. Over $6 billion in vehicles was stolen in the United States in 2017. In addition to being a huge financial loss, the loss of a vehicle can prevent you from getting to work, getting your kids to school, and from doing many of the other tasks you do every day. The theft of a vehicle would be a huge setback to anyone and in light of this we should take every precaution to protect our vehicles.

The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration has some easy advice on preventing vehicle theft.

  • Use common sense when parking and exiting your vehicle:

  • Take your vehicle's key; do not leave it in or on your vehicle.

  • Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.

  • Park in well-lit areas if possible.

  • Never leave valuables in your vehicle, especially if they can be seen from outside the vehicle.

  • Vehicle thieves don’t always steal the entire vehicle. Thieves have been known to take car doors, engines, chairs, GPS systems, and other valuable parts.

If you want to take the next step in vehicle theft prevention you may want to look into investing in an antitheft device.

If your vehicle is stolen, contact police as soon as possible to file a stolen-vehicle report. You will need to know you license plate number, the make, model, and color of your vehicle, and the vehicle identification number. You should also quickly file a claim with your insurance company, no later than 24 hours after the vehicle has been stolen.

One Team. One Vision. One Goal. – Everyone Goes Home Safe!




P.O. Box 20057

Beaumont, TX  77720

P; 409.842.4455  F: 409.842.4586


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