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Winter Storm Safety

Mason Blogger

Southeast Texas is experiencing cold winter weather this weekend. Stay safe this weekend and think twice before driving in icy temperatures. The Red Cross provides some helpful tips.

If you do plan to drive when it could be freezing, take extra caution:

  • In your vehicle keep a windshield scraper in case you need to scrape ice off the windshield.

  • Keep your vehicle’s gas tank full so you can leave right away in an emergency and to ensure you have enough fuel to keep warm if you get stuck. Make sure everyone has their seat belts on and give your full attention to the road.

  • Don’t follow other vehicles too closely. Sudden stops are difficult on snowy roadways.

  • Don’t use cruise control when driving in winter weather.

  • Ramps, bridges and overpasses freeze before roadways.

Remember to plan ahead and avoid traveling if it is unnecessary.

One Team. One Vision. One Goal. – Everyone Goes Home Safe!



P.O. Box 20057

Beaumont, TX  77720

P; 409.842.4455  F: 409.842.4586


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